The Dark Side of the Music Industry: Uncovering Corruption and Exploitation

“Exposing the unethical practices that are undermining talent and creativity in the music industry”

Luís Próspero
3 min readJan 1, 2023
Photo by John Hult on Unsplash

The music industry is a powerful and influential force in society, shaping the way we think, feel, and express ourselves through the songs we listen to. But behind the glitz and glamour of the industry lies a darker reality, one of corruption and exploitation that is often overlooked or ignored.


Payola, or the practice of paying radio stations or DJs to play a particular song, is a longstanding problem in the music industry. It undermines the integrity of the music we hear on the radio and unfairly benefits those artists who can afford to pay for airtime. In the past, payola has led to investigations and fines for major record labels, but the practice remains prevalent today.

Predatory Contracts

Predatory contracts are another issue facing artists in the music industry. These contracts, often offered by record labels to new and inexperienced artists, contain terms that are heavily biased in favour of the label and can trap artists in long-term deals that are difficult to get out of. These contracts can also include clauses that allow the label to take a significant portion of an artist’s earnings, leaving the artist with little financial freedom or control over their own career.

The exploitation of Independent Artists

Independent artists, who are not signed to a major label, are also vulnerable to exploitation in the music industry. Without the support and resources of a major label, independent artists may struggle to get their music heard and may be forced to accept less favourable terms in order to get their music distributed. This exploitation can lead to a lack of financial stability and creative control for independent artists.

It’s important for artists, industry professionals, and consumers to speak out about the corruption and exploitation that exists within the music industry. By shining a light on these issues, we can hold those who engage in these practices accountable and create a more fair and just industry for all.


So, what can be done about these issues? There are a few steps that can be taken to address the corruption and exploitation in the music industry.

First, it’s important for artists to educate themselves about contracts and to seek legal advice before signing anything. It may also be helpful for artists to join a union or organization that can provide support and resources in these matters.

Consumers can also play a role in supporting ethical practices in the music industry by being mindful of where they purchase music and supporting artists who are transparent about their business practices.

Finally, industry professionals and organizations can work towards greater transparency and accountability within the industry. This could include stricter regulations and penalties for payola and predatory contracts, as well as efforts to support and promote independent artists.

The music industry has the power to bring people together and inspire change, but that power is undermined when corruption and exploitation go unchecked. By speaking out and taking action, we can create a more fair and just industry that truly celebrates the talent and creativity of artists.



Luís Próspero

I have a very long list of universities from which I've dropped out. I've learned a lot just by being thrown around by life.