You Won’t Be Able To Figure Out Your Life In 2020: This is the reason why
Life is hard and understanding that is our job as individuals.
Understanding life is a process and you’ll have to go through some shit until you figure it out.
Existing is not cheap
The first time life slapped me was probably my first month of college. My mom gave me 50€ per month — and still does — but I was used to high school when my mom gave 50€ per month and at the end of the month I had 30€. Now? Oh boy, she gives me 50€ today, give me 3 days and I’ll have 20€. All I do is eat with my money.
Now, I have to go through a month with almost no money. Yes, I could ask for more money but I look at my mom and she is working so hard and it kind of pains me to ask for more money. I know she can afford to give me way more, that’s not the problem, I just feel bad for asking for more so I don’t.
Everything costs money. It’s crazy, everything is so expensive. How do you even buy stuff? You work for someone, they pay you almost nothing and you go use that money to survive?
That’s such a depressing thought when you have it for the first time.
Your friends have lives too
When I graduated high school, I had my group of friends and they all stayed there for another year. That meant I had to go to another city, make more friends and interact with people. The thought of making new friends terrified me.
I’ve made a good amount of friends in college now, but one thing I’ve seen is the more I talk to my college friends, the less I talk to my high school friends.
With all the nights out with my new group, I was talking even less with my high school friends and I didn’t want to make that change.
I didn’t stop talking to them, thankfully, but I did have to make compromises. I didn’t have the life they had now, I was going out for beers with the boys from college, I was the class representative, I had to study for weeks for a single exam and they didn’t do any of that. I had to understand that there are somethings we can still do and talk about together, but at the same time, I’ve come to accept that I don’t want to play games all day long with them. I want to go out, I want to make stupid shit and regret saying stuff when I was drunk. That’s my life now, but that’s not theirs.
Everyone grows up and you either grow together, or you grow apart.
The world is greedy
The only time I’ve seen someone give something to someone else was in the middle of the streets when a blind man was asking for money and people give him 10 cents. Even then, they only gave him the money because they wanted him to give them something in return: they want him to shut up.
You might believe that your parents will give you stuff or at least they did when you were younger but if you think about it, they gave you stuff and asked for something in return — thankfulness. Even our parents had an ulterior motive, they wanted to educate us.
Don’t be a fool like I was for so long, if you want something, go and get it because no one will give you stuff without asking for something in return.
Time management is the biggest flex
If I told you how many times my nonexistent time management skills have screwed me over, you would rethink the reason why you are reading my article. I mean it, I had no time management skill what-so-ever, it was absolutely insane how all-over-the-place I was a few months ago.
I’d wake up at 2 pm, eat lunch, play for hours and then, at the end of the night, I would feel guilty for not studying and would make myself believe I didn’t have any time to study that day after playing all day long. After convincing myself I hadn’t had enough time that day, I’d keep playing because “Oh well, tomorrow is another day, right?”. It wouldn’t even be a big problem if I actually did something the next day, but the thing is, I would do the same thing the next day and the cycle would continue.
Routines are the best thing you can develop for yourself. You don’t wanna copy others’ routines though, that will only backfire. You’ll tire out, overwork yourself and come back to your old “no routine” self.
Routines will give you more energy (especially if you combine a good routine with good coffee, it works miracles) and will make you more productive.
No one knows what the hell they’re doing
Let us be honest with ourselves, we all know that we don’t understand life. You could be 31 or 17 and that won’t change all that much because we are all struggling with something, the only difference is the actual subject with which we are struggling. A 17-year-old is not struggling with parenthood like a 31-year-old might be but he is struggling with something. Perhaps he is trying to figure out what he is supposed to do with his life, what his passions are, etc.
There are those bastards who look like they know what their purpose on this earth is but they are just as lost as everyone else, they are just better than us at faking it.
It doesn’t matter what you are struggling with, there will always be someone else with the same problem, don’t feel bad for not having a complete grasp in life because no one has. Isn’t that the beauty of life? You have to live it to understand it. You can’t study life and expect to understand how it works. You can — and should — study life while you are out there living and experiencing it at the same time so that you can understand what others are feeling and see that your struggles are completely fine to have.
You will never figure out life, but you can do your best at living your best life.
How you do that is up to you to find out as it’s up to me to find out how to best live my life.